Osho Hindi Discourse Mp3 Download

All OSHO Audio Discourses AT A GLANCE mp3 ( Download ) ओशो ऑडियो प्रवचन - अध्यात्म उपनिषद mp3 Download Osho Audio Discourse - Mahagita 01 to 05 mp3 Download. Osho Discourses In Hindi Free Download 2018 Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh, later known as 'Osho,' was born December 11, 1931, in Kuchwada, India. After graduating from college and claiming to have found enlightenment, in 1970, he introduced the practice of 'dynamic meditation,' became a spiritual teacher and began to attract a significant following. Osho Hindi Osho's Complete Hindi Audio Discourses available. Last Updated on 15-May-2020 Download and instantly play them inyour iPhone, smartphone, Tablet, MP3/MP4 player, Order Now. OSHO Hindi Youtube पर OSHO का अधिकृत चैनल है, जहाँ ओशो वार्ता (OSHO TALKS), ध्यान और OSHO International Meditation Resort, पुणे के बारे में जानकारी उपलब्ध ह.


  • Osho Audio Discourse - Mahagita 01 to 05 mp3 Download ओशो ऑडियो प्रवचन - महावीर वाणी 01 to 10 mp3 Download ओशो रजनीश पीडीएफ़ बुक्स डाउनलोड करें.
  • Celebrating the begining of birth centenary of Sambuddh Swami Om Prakash Saraswati. From 26 December, 2019 to 1 January, 2020.
  • Hindi Book by Osho Aadi Shankracharya Antrang Vartayen Ashtavakra Atma Katha Baul Bhikha Buddha Dariya Dharamdas Dhyan, Sadhana, Yog Dulan Gorakh Gulaal Jagjivan Saheb Kabir Krishna Zen Zen, Sufi, Aur Upanishad ki Kahaniya Lao Tzu Mahavir Malukdas Mebil Collins Meera Nanak Narad Osho-Uddhran Paltu Patra-Sankalan Prashnottar Raidas Rajneeti Aur.

Osho has given spontaneous discourses to an international gathering of thousands of seekers. These live recorded discourses reflect the vastness of Osho’s vision and insight. In them He answers questions from disciples and visitors to his commune, and comments on the worlds of mystics and sages ancient and modern. These discourses, each lasting between 90 minutes and 2 hours and some of the more recent ones might last several hours.


Around 1000 discourse albums are available here for free download in high quality MP3 format.


Around 1000 discourse albums are available here for free download in high quality MP3 format.

13 फ़रवरी Ashtavakra Mahageeta – Osho Hindi Speech. Maha Geeta (Osho) 01 · Maha Geeta (Osho) 02 · Maha Geeta (Osho) 03 · Maha Geeta (Osho). is why Ashtavakra’s Gita, the ASHTAVAKRA SAMHITA, has not had .. I certainly passed through you, as I. The Mahageeta, Vol 1. 7. Osho. OSHO Hindi speech: Ashtavakra Git Download. Download: OSHO Ashtavakra Gita mp3. Osho Ashtavakra Gita Full discourse Download.

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Somewhere Krishna calls devotion the ultimate, somewhere else he calls knowledge the ultimate, again elsewhere he calls karma yoga the ultimate. Before it the Vedas pale, the Upanishads are a mere whisper. This is why the Gita suits everyone, why there are thousands of commentaries on the Gita.

You are not the doer nor the enjoyer. The karma yogi extracts his belief because Krishna has spoken on karma yoga, the yoga of action.

Beyond Cause and Effect. I Have Been Fooled! He is more concerned with synthesis than with truth. It is difficult to find any tradition whose voice is not found in the Gita. Know this and be happy.

Words Of Osho: Ashtavakra Mahageeta – Osho Hindi Speech

It is difficult to find anyone who does not take solace from the Gita. There are no other statements anywhere that are so pure, transcendental, and beyond time and space. Unattached and without form, you are the witness of the whole universe. Man has many scriptures, but none are comparable to the Gita of Ashtavakra.

He says things as they are, without any sort of compromise. No such tricks are possible with Ashtavakra. Oh expansive one, religion and atheism, happiness and misery – all are of the mind, they are not for you. Just to say he was a politician is not right; he was a shrewd politician, a real diplomat.

He was a politician, a perfect politician.

Welcome to Osho World Audio Discourses


We are embarking on a rare journey. In his statements he considered and included many things.

The believer in knowledge finds what he wants because Krishna has spoken on knowledge as well. And how is nonattachment attained? Even the Bhagavadgita does not have the majesty found in the Ashtavakra Samhita – it is simply unparalleled.

Please tell me this. To attain liberation, know yourself as the witnessing consciousness of all these. With him two plus two are exactly four. You are neither earth, nor air, nor fire, nor water, nor ether.

OSHO Audio Discourses – Maha Geeta ( Osho ) 01 to 05 mp3 Download

You have always been liberated. I Bow Down to Myself How does liberation happen? Oh lord, how does one attain to wisdom? You are not a brahmin or other caste, you are not in any of the four stages of life, you are not perceived by the eyes or other senses. Oh beloved, if you want liberation then renounce the passions as poison, and take forgiveness, innocence, compassion, contentment and truth as nectar.

If you can separate yourself from the physical body and rest in consciousness, then this very moment you will be happy, at peace, and free of bondage.

The ashtacakra important thing is that neither society, nor politics, nor any other institution of human life had any influence on the statements of Ashtavakra.

Osho Hindi Discourse Mp3 Download 2019

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